日本財団 図書館





As agreed in the third OSPAR/OSRAP Conference in Tokyo on 16-20 May 19931 the first Annual Management Committee Meeting was held on 15-17 February 1995 in Bangkok、 and today will be the Second Annual Management Committee Meeting. The duties of the Management Committee as agreed are:


1 To assess the situation of maintenance and control of equipment based on annual report submitted by each member country and recommend necessary improvement as appropriate.
2 To visit once a year the ASEAN Country which will hose the Management Committee Meeting and observed the situation of maintenance and control of equipment and information network system under OSPAR Project and recommend necessary improvement as appropriate.
3 To give recommendations as regards to management and control equipment and information network system under OSPAR Project as appropriate.


Therefore refer to this agreement, the Directorate General of Sea Communication (DGSC) as the National Lead Agency.for Indonesia present this Country Report which covers the management, control and maintenance of equipments and information network system from the OSPAR Project, particularly allocated for the National Lead Agency and Supporting Agency (PERTAMINA)




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